General Policies
According to state law, documentation of a CURRENT rabies vaccination is required for ALL dogs when booking an appointment.
Must wait 48 hours after vaccination administration for a grooming appointment to avoid potential
adverse reactions.
Any and all health conditions must be disclosed prior to beginning service.
Must wait 48 hours after vaccination administration to be groomed to avoid
adverse reactions and medication side effects.
Aggressive dogs are taken on a case by case basis, special handling may
apply. If a bite occurs that breaks skin, there will be a BITE FEE added to your
total to cover the cost of medical treatment.
All puppies must be at least 12 weeks old before attending a grooming
NO pregnant or lactating dogs - This can cause undue stress on the female and
her unborn pups.
NO female dogs in heat - This is a time where hormones affect behavior. Your pup is highly sensitive during this time.
NO dogs with open wounds or recent stitches - The risk of infection and
further injury is increased in this circumstance. Any recent surgery sites
must be fully healed with stitches removed before grooming services.
NO dogs with a heart murmur above a level 3 - Dogs with congestive heart
failure or a level 4-6 murmur must be groomed at the vet. Grooming can be a
stressful process and can easily cause heart failure or seizure in high risk
Cancellation Policy
We ask that you please reschedule or cancel at least 2 days before the beginning of your appointment or you may be charged a cancellation fee.
If you choose to cancel your appointment within 48 hours of your service time, you will be charged 50% of your total service price as a cancellation fee.
All appointments must be confirmed NO LATER than 10 pm the day you receive the confirmation text. If you do not confirm your appointment, your appointment will be canceled and you will be charged a 50% cancellation fee.
If you no-show or cancel within 30 minutes of your appointment time, you will be charged 100% of your service fee. This is to account for holding your appointment spot.
Please make sure to ask any questions you may have before booking.
Matting Policies
In severe cases of matting, such as cast matting, you will be referred to a vet groomer to avoid potential injury. ***
If you have booked a bath or a trim and upon assessment the coat is matted, your appointment will be changed to a full haircut.***
Every case of matting is different. Sometimes de-matting and saving the coat is not ethically possible. This process can be extremely uncomfortable for your pup.
A matted coat should not be washed as it will struggle to dry thoroughly, allowing yeast and bacteria to build beneath the coat. The water will also make the matts tighter and more painful.
A matted coat can hide many things such as: Infected skin, hot spots, fleas, ticks, open wounds, mass growth, and more. It is important to note that when removing matting, these problems may be uncovered.
When removing heavy matting from the tops of the ears, the tips of the ears will begin to turn red and swell as the blood rushes back into them. This is called a "Hematoma." Often times your pup will begin to shake their head to ease the discomfort of no longer having weight on their ears, leading to further swelling, bruising, and pain.
If your pup is determined to be at risk for hematomas, they will be referred to a vet groomer for safe matt removal in the event of medical necessity.
The best way to avoid matting is to brush throughly with a slicker brush and metal greyhound comb to ensure you have gotten all the way to the skin. The only way to remove matting safely is by shaving underneath the coat with a blade short enough to slide underneath the matts. Most commonly a #7 or #10 blade.